There are 7 songs in this collection. All, except the last 3 songs, are my original work and are computer-generated music.
The first 3 songs are in wave format, using GoldWave 4.12. The next two songs are in midi format. The last two songs are again in wave format.
The 3rd song Wave Basic mixes the first two. The 4th song is created from a midi software. The 5th song, a nice midi with unkown artist, is from the Internet
The last 2 songs, which are my favorite, are also from the Internet. The artists for the last two songs are Twins, and Kim Novak & Jim Reeder respectively.
Please use the drop down menu to select your options: Treble,
Bass, Wave Basic,
Midi Basic, Midi Pro, Wave Pro- Twins, or Wave Pro-Novak & Reeder
Red River Valley arranged and adapted by Arlo Guthrie From this valley they say you are We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile For they say you are taking the sunshine That has brightened our pathways awhile CHORUS: Come and sit by my side, if you love me Do not hasten to bid me adieu Just remember the Red River Valley And the cowboy who loved you so true I've been thinking a long time, my darling Of the sweet words you never would say Now, alas, must my fond hopes all vanish For they say you are gong away Do you think of the valley you're leaving O how lonely and how dreary it will be And do you think of the kind hearts you're breaking And the pain you are causing to me CHORUS They will bury me where you have wandered Near the hills where the daffodils grow When you're gone from the Red River Valley For I can't live without you I know CHORUS Home