25% of all doctors in science or engineering, 45% in computer
science, 27% in biological science are foreigners
Saves time and money
If people lack scientific knowledge, or do not understand
the concepts of critical thinking and scientific evidence, they can waste
time and money.
Makes sound judgements in scientific political issues
Ex.: human clone
Provides creative thinking and problem solving skills
As technology grows, more people need to use it and
the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills that should be learned
in science class.
Creates sufficient supply of qualified workers in science
and technology
Two Approaches
Invite students to think
Teaches critical thinking through the process.
Follow instructions
Example: What do you think would make this boat move?
First Approach:
Ask for student responses: Blow on it, Squirt water on
it, Push it, etc.
Teacher's response: "Show me!"
Second Approach:
Blow on the boat and see if the boat moves.
Better Science Education
Quality of teachers does matter - their knowledge of the
subject is critical.
Better salary and professional treatment for teachers.
Good classroom material - lab kits, visual/audio teaching
aids are needed in addition to textbooks.